Drunk Cupcakes

Dana Isaac
(Denton, Texas, United States of America)

My art is usually whimsical, with a twist. This artist trading card is an example of something that could almost be too cutesy, but all the cupcakes are drunk.

Artist trading card 'Drunk Cupcakes' by Dana Isaac

Drunk Cupcakes


Thank you, Dana, for sharing one of your favourite artist trading cards with us.

We liked your card very much, but were disappointed that you didn't tell us more about it. We've have loved to know what inspired it, whether it was made for a particular themed swap, and what materials and techniques you used in making it.

Cupcakes do seem to be a common theme in some branches of art at the moment, but we also spotted what appears to be a molar floating somewhere above your bemused chef's right shoulder!

David Adams

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